Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Australia usually produces bands with short shelf lives. For every INXS and Silverchair, there's a few Eurogliders. The country never seemed to get over the parochial hump, with all its thrashing around chasing the next big sound, that Canada did when it gave birth to Jane Siberry who begot Sarah McLachlan, who begot Nelly Furtado and so on. I don't know whether Cut Copy has any legs, but I'm prepared to wring as much pleasure out of the single "Hearts on Fire" as I can. It packs so much '80s/early '90s into a few minutes--Echo and the Bunnyman vocals, Depeche Mode electronics, New Order guitars, Duran Duran-in-Rio saxophones, Black Box whoop-samples--it negates the interceding decades. But it's cheerful. Go figure.

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