Two guys on the opposite side of the bank of lockers, so I can't see them very well. This is slightly condensed with names changed.
Guy #1: Fucking assholes! Douchebag!...(more loud, irrate sputtering).
Guy #2: Don't worry, man, don't worry.
Guy #1: And fucking Gina and fucking Jim! Fuckers! They think I'm on crack again! I'm totally clean! I'm fucking clean, man! And those shitheads think I'm using crack again!
Guy #2: It doesn't matter what people think. It matters if you're using or not. You know you're clean...
Guy #1: I fucking know I'm clean, man. I haven't been this clean in long time. And if I was going to use, I'd be fucking slamming heroine! Crack, no fucking way!
Guy #2: Exactly, exactly, man.
Guy #1: Why would they, why would they? I mean, okay! (Pauses, thinks.) Okay. You know what, I'm off my meds! I stopped taking my fucking medication. Maybe that's their fucking problem!
Guy #2: You seem fine to me, budddy.
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