Sunday, August 30, 2009

All in a Heap

Funny where naiveté can leave you. When I had seen the name of the musical entity Imogen Heap in print, I had, in my head, pronounced it "Ih-MOE-gen Heap" and visualized some nasty punk band, referencing toxic waste. So I didn't care when their song appeared on The OC. Of course, Imogen is pronounced more like "Emma-Jen" and the "heap" is a last name, not a metaphor. And she sounds more like Sarah McLachlan produced by Enya, with bursts of Bjork kookiness and Tori Amos indulgence. Actually, the songs on her new album have more shape than Sarah's, Bjork's (well, late Bjork) and Tori's. She's a much more grounded eccentric, musically speaking.

In fact, I think Imogen has taken over the sleek and emotional pop ship Dido abandoned after her debut album (well, she abandoned the "sleek" and the "pop" part).

Anyway, Ellipse is a lovely album, especially the first single.

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