Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Craigslist posting of the day

I would have posted the link but it's since been flagged and removed.

Get Paid To Destroy Objects, and Take Photos, Shoot Video (N/A)

from craigslist | art/media/design jobs in toronto

Okay, here's basically it; I enjoy watching people (Women, specifically) destroy a wide variety of objects - electronics, glassware, what-have-you; Rates vary and are negotiable, paid upon delivery of the Photo / Video set, or webcam session. This position will be on a strictly virtual basis, and payment is delivered via Paypal.com.

Work is intermittent, so don't expect a regular income.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:48 AM

    Very good information about craigslist! posting. I got very usefull information upon this article.
    thank you.


Thanks for the comment!