Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Catching up with my spring output

After a particularly demanding contract as publications coordinator at Hot Docs, I am finally focusing on writing again.

Which isn't to say I haven't published quite a bit so far in 2014.

In the past couple of months I've published the long feature "How Bombardier’s experiment became ground zero for Mexico’s economic revolution" in Canadian Business magazine, "13 Things You Should Know About Customer Service" in Reader's Digest, "How to Sell to Foreign Governments" and "One Way to Trade (and Get Paid) Faster" for Profit magazine and, further afield, an essay about PEI's tourism industry for National Geographic Traveller India (the piece isn't available online, but this link provides a sampler of the April issue in which it's contained).

I've also continued working as a contributing editor at IN magazine, covering gender non-conformity (it's a bit of a head-spinner, but I have to say that everyone I talked to was exceptionally nice and had a sense of humour) and gay life in three Indian cities. I have a few fun projects coming up for IN mag, including one heart-string-tugger.

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